Tuesday, September 30, 2008

just so you know...

(Wow, two posts in two days... that is a record!)

Eden lost another tooth today. She keeps telling me how her friends get $5 for their teeth, and I remind her that our tooth fairy just gives $1. I said, "When I was little, I only got 25 cents for a tooth, so be happy". Eden replied, "Well, that was because that was the olden days".

So, just so you know... 1980 is now considered 'the olden days'.

In his daily prayers, Josh always prays that no one in the whole world will have nightmares or any bad dreams at all (having been traumatized by a few a while ago).

So, just so you know... if you haven't had a bad dream or nightmare lately, you can thank Josh and his faith.

Just so you know!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Laughable Annoyances

There are little things throughout the day that always bother me. So, I decided to blog about them, in a hopefully humorous way, thus turning them from little annoyances into laughable annoyances. This way, the next time they happen, I'll remember the blog and laugh instead of getting annoyed.

1. When I'm all done drying off in the shower and the shower head decides to douse me with a few final trickles of water.

2. 6 socks that are all just slightly different -- no matches-- when trying to help Josh get dressed in the morning!

3. Going downstairs in the morning and realizing you left something perishable out all night!

4. After you pour a bowl of cereal and you open the fridge for milk, only to find about 3 tsp. left in the carton. (Especially when you are the mom and are responsible for buying milk -- oops).

5. Opening up your drawer of pens and pencils to find just pen lids and unsharpened pencils. One of these days I'm going to move a piece of furniture and find 800 pens and pencils and 450 rubberbands and hairclips, I just know it!

6. Opening up the dryer (where the clothes have been sitting since you did laundry last week) to find they didn't fully dry!

7. When TIVO cuts off the last 2 minutes of your favorite show.

8. Speaking of TIVO, when are they going to invent TIVO for the radio -- because I hate it when I turn on the car to find the last few refrains of my favorite song, or want to rewind it 30 seconds to hear what the DJs were talking about -- or when you want to pause the song while you run in for a quick errand.

9. When you adjust your head on your pillow in the middle of the night and are met with wetness from drool -- gross I know -- but am I the only one who drools occasionally? (Sorry to ruin that almost perfect perception you had of me!)

Well, hope I made you laugh a little, or relate to some things. Hopefully now I'll laugh more and roll my eyes less!

Friday, September 19, 2008

I canned peaches today.

I did it! I actually canned something successfully! (Well, at least they made that little pop sound!) It took me all day to figure it out, buy the cans, prep the peaches, and actually can them. I'm sure it would have been cheaper to just buy some canned peaches, but then what would I blog about?

Dave is convinced that we are in for a major economic depression and so we need to up our food storage. So inbetween canning I re-read lots of the literature I've collected at all those Enrichments on Food Storage. I even tried out a recipe for chicken alfredo using dry milk, etc. It was DISGUSTING. I threw it out, and opened a can of spaghetti sauce and we had chicken parmesan instead! :) I guess that is how you learn -- try out recipes and see which ones work.

Fortunately I was able to have this somewhat productive day because Teya is into that cute stage where she plays make believe with her friends (normally characters from a movie or tv show) and sets up tea parties for them, makes beds for them, etc. I caught her talking to her friends all day long. She was having a blast.
Now, I price-matched roast and chicken at WalMart today. Am I brave enough to can it? Only time will tell!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Eden's Baptism

On Saturday, September 13, Eden Marie Blaser was baptised and confirmed a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was a wonderful day. We had great support from family, friends, & ward members -- THANK YOU. Eden was excited and nervous. Everything went perfectly. Her smile is so wonderful. We love you Eden! I am so grateful for baptism and for the gift of the Holy Ghost. What a priceless covenant that it -- and what a treasure the companionship of the Spirit is. I hope we never take it for granted. Here are just a few pictures from the momentous day. Thanks to everyone.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Cabin Fever

The three kids on the steps of the cabin

We recently returned from a most wonderful trip over Labor Day. Our friends Aaron and Liz invited us to go with them to their parent's beautiful cabin up near Show Low. It was incredible! The weather was ideal, the company was great, the surroundings were beautiful, and we had a great time! We went fishing in a little pond nearby, quadding all around the trails, and hiking up knolls. We also played Scrabble, Boggle, and other games -- ate great food and read some fun books. Now that is my idea of a vacation!

Here are some fun pics from the trip!

Liz, Adam, and the kids ontop of the big hill behind the cabin. The wind was wonderful!

Teya was a trooper for most of the hike, but she wanted to be held most of the way down!

Josh looking through the binoculars. We saw several hawks.

Dave by on of the quads. We had a great time riding around the trails -- and sometimes off the trails!Eden was the only kid who smiled when I made them all get out and take pictures by the sunflower field -- thus the only kid who get the picture posted!

Just another great shot of Eden!

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