Wednesday, March 4, 2009

now THAT was embarrassing

Okay. It has been a week since this happened, so I can blog about it without cringing.

So, for anyone who knows me, you know I struggle to sleep each night. This is nothing new, but lately I've been in a bad funk and have gone to bed at about 3 a.m. on average.

Anyways, last week one night I went to bed at 5 a.m. and was up at 7:30 a.m. to get the kids off to school. I then got a few things done and by about 10:00 a.m. I was ready to go back to bed. Teya was not feeling well, so she hadn't slept well either. So, we put on her favorite movie and I went upstairs, still in my pj's and went back to bed. Teya kept calling me for this and that (she wanted cinnamon toast. I got back up and obliged; her movie was skipping, I went down and fixed it). Finally, I was actually asleep. I heard Teya calling me yet again, but I chose to ignore it. I could hear that her movie was playing, and just stayed in bed. She kept saying, "Mom, come down here". But, I was asleep. Then, all of a sudden I hear this REALLY loud noise against my bedroom window coming from outside. Over and over again. I first thought the woodpeckers had gotten reinforcements, but then I realized it was against the glass. I opened the blinds to see this pool repair guy standing there with a big ball from our yard throwing it against my window.

I quickly grabbed a sweatshirt and went downstairs. ( I had called for a repair three days earlier and he said he would be there the next day, so I was expecting him a few days earlier). Now, this guy is now a firefighter for the city of Mesa and just does some pool work on the side. When I went down, Teya said, "Mom, I said to come down -- there is someone here". (hadn't caught that part, Teya!). So, I went outside and he said, "I was getting worried! I'd been listening to your daughter calling to you for 10 minutes and I was afraid you were sick or hurt and I was about to come in there and see if you were okay".

I smiled and explained that Teya was sick so we'd been up a lot of the night. He was very kind and having kids of his own said he understood. Inside I was SO embarrassed. After he left (after fixing our pool wonderfully) I began to realize how bad it could have been. Can't you just see the local news headlines, "Firefighter breaks down door to rescue abandoned three-year old, just to find mom sleeping upstairs at 11 in the morning".


Unknown said...

I'm so glad he didn't bust down the door. How awful! I think I would crawled in a hole. Shame on him for taking so long to come fix the pool though right? Its all his fault. :) I hope you can get some sleep.

Wendy said...

Argh. That could happen to any of us! I'm sorry you're not sleeping well. How frustrating. Glad he didn't break down the door.

Diana Waite said...

sorry, this is still making me laugh....I can picture it all in my mind's eye....

Unknown said...

Reminds me of the time my toddler ran down the street while at a friends house in only his diaper. (Luckily in was in the summer. I went up the street (the wrong direction) looking for him, he was around the corner only a few houses away when I found him in someone's driveway. As soon as I saw him, he came to me (barefoot and all) and the man behind him said, "You better wait here - I called the cops!" I couldn't believe it - but as soon as the cop pulled up and saw he was with his mom, he just said, "Glad you found him" and drove off. They seem to be pretty understanding of those situations - but I was mortified for quite some time. I'm just glad you had time to put a sweatshirt on, I probably would have been in my G's or something!

Sarah Norton said...

What a great story! Glad you've recovered enough to put it on the blog! I bet that was quite the shock to wake up to! Note to self, when sleeping in the middle of the day, always keep sweatshirt nearby incase pool guy (or any other guy) comes knocking on my window!

Kim said...

What a story! I'm so sorry. I hate it when things like that happen. It's good you can laugh about it now. Hope the sleeping gets better.

eBay said...

love it. You and I share the same ailment -lack of sleep!! Hope nap time goes better for you in the future!

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